Supporting your journey to
Columbus Campus
As a Buckeye, we know you want to excel in your courses and feel confident in your studies. With a new campus comes new routines, strategies, and expectations. Now is the time to make a plan for your fresh start at Columbus campus!
At the Dennis Learning Center, we offer workshops and academic coaching to help you get the best start possible on Columbus campus. We focus on developing skills in time management, academic motivation, effective study strategies, reducing academic stress, efficient note-taking, strategic test-taking, and much more!
The Insider’s Guide Workshop:
Make your study plan for success!
The DLC Insider’s Guide Workshop focuses on addressing common questions asked by campus change students. In this workshop, you will make a plan for how, when, and where to study so you can do your best with less stress. Undergraduate Academic Coaches from the DLC will share their tips and tricks for navigating this big campus and recommend useful campus resources that you can use for free.
Strong Start:
Group Coaching Program
The DLC Strong Start is a 3-session group coaching certificate program that will sharpen your academic skills so you have the best start possible at Columbus campus. Each week, you will meet with a small group of campus change students, led by undergraduate Academic Coaches from the DLC. Your coaches will share useful strategies to help you do your best with less stress. Get to know other campus change students and form your new Columbus crew! Topics include: how to stay motivated, procrastination and productivity, next level study strategies, and connecting with professors and peers.