We offer several courses to help you develop your learning and motivation strategies. These letter-graded, credit-bearing courses are open to undergraduate students in any major.

Which study strategy is the right one for you right now? [Learn more]
Don’t wait to start studying! make your 5-Day Study Plan for your exams and get a head start! [Learn more]
Are you passionate about helping others succeed? Do you want to develop skills that can transform lives? Enroll our Coach Training Course! [Learn more]
Where is your favorite study spot on campus? Explore places to inspire new thinking! [Learn more]
We offer several courses to help you develop your learning and motivation strategies. These letter-graded, credit-bearing courses are open to undergraduate students in any major.
We offer free one-on-one appointments with academic coaches trained in learning and motivation strategies for undergraduate students at Ohio State.
Sharpen your academic skills in group workshops! Join our online webinars or attend workshops right here at the center.
250 Younkin Success Center
1640 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
(View Campus Map)