We have convenient in-person coaching appointments all over Columbus campus! Click on the tabs below to see more details about each location.
To schedule an in-person coaching appointment, go to our Schedule a Coaching Appointment page, and follow the instructions to schedule an appointment. Be sure to select your desired location, along with the time that works best for you.
18th Ave Library
18th Ave Library is located at 175 W 18th Ave, Columbus, OH. Go to room 126 on the first floor of 18th Avenue Library and wait outside the door. Your coach will come to get you at your appointment time.
Kottman Hall
Kottman Hall is located at 2021 Coffey Rd, Columbus, OH. Check in for your appointment at the desk in room 210 in Kottman Hall. Your coach will come to get you at your appointment time.
Park-Stradley is a dorm located at 120 W 11th Ave, Columbus, OH. When you enter the dorm, use the intercom to let Office Assistant (OA) know you are here for a DLC Coaching appointment. Proceed to the Park side of Park-Stradley. Office 178 is down the hall and slightly to the left near the hall director offices. If the door is closed, please wait in the seating area near the glass study rooms. Your coach will come find you at your appointment time. If the door is open, you may enter for your appointment at your appointment time.

Scott House
Scott House is located at 160 W Woodruff Ave, Columbus, OH. When you enter the dorm, use the intercom to let Office Assistant (OA) know you are here for a DLC Coaching appointment. Office 232 is up the stairs across from the OA desk. If the door is closed, please wait in the seating area outside the office. Your coach will come get you at your appointment time. If the door is open, you may enter for your appointment at your appointment time.
Thompson Library
Thompson library is located on 1858 Neil Ave. Go to room 122A on the first floor of Thompson Library and wait outside the door. Your coach will come to get you at your appointment time.
Younkin Success Center
Younkin Success Center is located at 1640 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH. Check in at the front desk of the Younkin Success Center (2nd floor), and then sit in the chairs across from the front desk. Your coach will come to get you at your appointment time.