Support For You and Your Students
The Dennis Learning Center offers many resources to help your students optimize their learning potential. Use the resources below to learn more about all the DLC has to offer. Work with us to help your students be productive, feel confident, and reach their academic goals.
Quick Facts about the DLC
Learn more about the Dennis Learning Center and our impact.
Refer a Student to the DLC
If you think your student could benefit from using the DLC’s services, please complete our Student Referral Form and an Academic Coach from the DLC will reach out to the student. A formal referral from you will show students that you care about their success, and will help them to feel more comfortable with using our services by receiving a personalized email from a peer.
DLC Syllabus Statement
Make students aware of the DLC through your recommendation on your syllabus. Students are more likely to use campus resources when instructors provide recommendations through course materials, so this is an easy way to help your students to get the support they need.
Request a Workshop for Your Students
Dennis Learning Center workshops focus on a variety of topics that help students succeed in college by building academic and life skills. Workshops are designed for groups of students (minimum of 7 students) and can be presented in person anywhere on Columbus campus, online on Zoom, or pre-recorded for an asynchronous experience. Please allow at least 7 days from your workshop request to your workshop delivery date.
Professional Development Opportunities
The Dennis Learning Center facilitates professional development workshops for faculty, staff, and administrators. All of our sessions are grounded in theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence from educational psychology and related fields.
Join the DLC Research Team
Partner with the Self-Regulated Learning and College Success Lab at the DLC to conduct research regarding college students’ academic success.
Not sure what you need? Looking for something else? Schedule a DLC Consultation
If you would like to discuss your situation and find out which DLC services best fit your needs, please schedule a consultation with the DLC staff members. We will be happy to meet with you 1:1 to discuss your students’ concerns and work with you to find resources to support them.