Choosing & Using Study Strategies
Which study strategy is the right one for you right now?
Studying not going the way you want it to?
The final weeks of the semester are a real test of our motivation. It can be hard to stay energized to get everything done! An easy way to reinvigorate your studying to get better results is to switch up your study strategies.
To really understand the content in your classes, you need to use deep learning study strategies (PDF) . These study strategies help you to understand the connections between topics and apply it in meaningful ways. Learn more about deep learning strategies in our videos on the DLC YouTube channel. So, if you feel like you want a change and want to understand your lectures better, here are 4 steps to implementing deep learning strategies.
Switch up your study strategies in 4 simple steps
- Examine how you currently study.
- Ask yourself some questions:
- Do I like the way I’m studying? What’s good about it?
- Does it really work? (Be honest here)
- What could I change to make it better? (e.g., studying without the TV on, doing more than just looking over your slides)
- Create a list of how you think you should study for each of your classes. You now have a list of goals that you can implement into your daily study schedule.
- Ask yourself some questions:
- Evaluate what you are studying for.
- Are you taking a quiz, exam? Is it open note, proctored, or in-person? An evaluation your objectives for studying will help you decide how best to study.
- Expand your study toolbox.
- Learn more about aligning your study strategies with your learning task in the DLC’s Choosing & Using Effective Study Strategies video.
- Choose the ones that will be most effective for the type of class you are being tested in (e.g., chemistry vs. political science).
- Execute a plan.
- Block out time in your day (on a calendar so you’re reminded) to indicate when/how you will study.
- Take timed breaks. Check out the DLC’s video on how to use the Pomodoro technique to build breaks into your studying.
- Remember to balance the time you spend making study aids with using them to test yourself.
The Academic Coaches at the Dennis Learning Center can teach you new study strategies and help you shake up your spring semester. Schedule your online academic coaching appointment today!