Struggling to adjust to working from home? Try out these tips to increase motivation during these chaotic times!
1. Stick to your routine
- Wake up at a consistent time on workdays.
- Get dressed and ready as you normally would.
- Set an evening cut off time similar to when you used to finish working.
- Be consistent with your workday, treat working from home just like you would if you were going into the office.
2. Created a designated workspace
- Find or set aside a space to use when you are working from home.
- If possible, find an isolated space away from other people, otherwise use visual cues to indicate to others you are working
- Make your workspace your own, add lighting, plants, pictures, etc. to make your workspace comfortable and inviting.
3. Manage your expectations
- Understand that you may be less productive than you used to be, don’t beat yourself up!
- Try to determine 1-3 key tasks you need to get done each day and focus on getting those done.
- Add additional breaks to your day so you can get outside, get some exercise or just get time away from a screen.
4. Remember the “why”
- Remember why you are doing what you are doing (coursework, dissertation, research, etc.).
- Remind yourself the value of your research and learning.
- Think about the big picture, and what will happen moving forward, it won’t be like this forever.
5. Take care of yourself
- Be mindful of how your body and mind are feeling, pay attention to when you feel like you are hitting a wall.
- Focus on what you can control, there are a lot of unknowns, but emphasize what you can do and what you have control over.
- Practice mindfulness
- Limit news of social media if that is stressful or anxiety inducing.
- Be diligent with self-care (i.e. alone time, time away from work, getting outside, therapy, etc.).
- Download the OSU Wellness app to find resources for OSU students.