The DLC inspires transformation in collegiate learning services through strategies and scholarship shared widely with educators, practitioners, and researchers. Our areas of expertise include student success interventions, motivation and self-regulated learning, teaching for belonging and engagement, and improving educational research and assessment.
Student Success Interventions
von Spiegel, J. & Rubin, S. (2023). Coaching by design: A collaborative yet individualized approach to academic coaching. Developments (American College Personnel Association – International), 20(3).
Wolters, C., Iaconelli, R., Peri, J., Hensley, L., & Kim, M. (2023). Improving self-regulated learning and academic engagement: Evaluating a college learning to learn course. Learning and Individual Differences, 103.
Janikowski, L. & Wolters, C. (2023, April). Do college students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder benefit from a learning-to-learn course? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Nguyen, H., Masonheimer, A., Janikowski, L., Kim, M., & Wolters, C. (2023, April). Development of self-regulated learning skills in a learning-to-learn course: A latent transition approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
von Spiegel, J. & Rubin, S. (2023, January). Designing success: Applying design thinking to academic coaching. Presentation for the Ohio College Personnel Association Annual Conference, Worthington, OH.
Wolters, C., Janikowski, L., Nguyen, H., & Hensley, L. (2023, April). Evaluating improvements in self-regulated learning among college students enrolled in an online learning-to-learn course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Brady, A., Hensley, L., Sovic, D., Kulesza, A., Wolters, C., & Breitenberger, C. (2022). What makes a study strategy intervention impactful? An interview-based study. College Student Affairs Journal, 40(1), 17-31.
Brady, A. & Gallant, D. (2021). STEM bridge program: Underrepresented minority students’ perceptions of LSAMP program impact. Journal of College Science Teaching, 50(6).
Brady, A., Hensley, L., Sovic, D., Kulesza, A., Wolters, C., & Breitenberger, C. (2021, April). Understanding the underlying processes for college students’ changes following metacognition and time management workshops. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, virtual meeting.
Hensley, L., Kulesza, A., Peri, J., Brady, A., Wolters, C., Sovic, D., & Breitenberger, C. Supporting undergraduate biology students’ academic success: Comparing two workshop interventions. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 20(4), 1-21.
von Spiegel, J. (2021, June). #StudyTok: Using social media to provide low-demand learning resources. Presentation for the Ohio College Learning Center Association annual conference, virtual meeting.
von Spiegel, J., Butler, C., Eatman, T., Perez, J., Varzeas, K., & Yoo, C. (2021, July). The promises and pressures of peer academic coaching. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Coaching in Higher Education Consortium, virtual meeting.
von Spiegel, J., Perry, A., Masonheimer, A., & Wolters, C. A. (2021, April). Who benefits from learning-to-learn courses? Comparing self-regulated learning in first-generation and continuing generation college students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, virtual meeting.
Wolters, C., Iaconelli, R., Peri, J., Hensley, L., Kim, M. (2021, April). Improving college students’ self-regulated learning: Evaluating the impact of a learning to learn course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
Brady, A. & Gallant, D. (2020, April). Understanding the impact of a college STEM bridge program for underrepresented minority students. Roundtable accepted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (Conference canceled due to Covid-19)
Hensley, L. & Munn, K. (2020). The power of writing about procrastination: Journaling as a tool for change. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44, 1-16.
Kulesza, A., Sovic, D., Brady, A., & Hensley, L. (2020, July). Metacognition and time-management workshops in introductory biology serve as a wake-up call for college students. Poster presentation for the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, virtual meeting.
Kulesza, A., Sovic, D., Hensley, L., Brady, A., Wolters, C., Peri, J., & Breitenberger, C. (2020, November). Instilling persistence: Investigating impacts of short-term interventions on predictors of long-term success. Council on Research in Student Progress and Educational Excellence Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Wolters, C., Iaconelli, R., Peri, J., Hensley, L., & Kim, M.(2020, November). Investigating the effects of a learning-to-learn course. Council on Research in Student Progress and Educational Excellence Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Hensley, L., & Munn, K. (2019, June). Reducing procrastination through self-monitoring and reflective writing. Presentation for the Ohio College Learning Center Association annual conference, Marietta, OH.
Kim. Y. (2019, April). How to motivate yourself to achieve your goals. Presented at The Ohio LSAMP Alliance Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Prieto, K., Rivera, M., Jaggars, S., Hensley, L., & Spreitzer, P. (2019, February). SpringForward: Holistic academic recovery for first-year students. Presentation for the Ohio Undergraduate Education Conference, Columbus, OH.
Brady, A., Wolters, C., Hensley, L., von Spiegel, J., & Cutshall, J. (2018, April). Evaluating the impact of self-regulated learning programming for students on academic probation. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.
Hensley, L. (2018, June). SpringForward: Lessons from designing a new academic recovery program. Presentation for the Ohio College Learning Center Association Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
Hensley, L., Lombardo, T., Matthias, K., & Bane, J. (2018, May). Abolishing the textbook through Open Educational Resources (OERs). Presentation for Innovate: Forward Conference, Columbus, OH.
Hensley, L., & Rowe, S. (2016). Understanding and addressing the roots of college students’ procrastination. Presentation for the Focusing on the First Year Annual Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Jaggars, S., Hensley, L., Rivera, M., & Spreitzer, P. (2018, June). SpringForward: A mixed methods approach to assessing an academic recovery program for first-year students. Presentation for the Student Affairs Assessment and Research Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Spreitzer, P., Hensley, L., & Rivera, M. (2018, January). SpringForward: A spring and summer intervention for new first-year students who struggle in Autumn. Presentation for the Focusing on the First Year Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Hensley, L., & Cutshall, J. (2017, April). Reducing procrastination in an undergraduate study-skills course: A qualitative exploration of change and change resistance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Wolters, C., Barnes, M., Kulesz, P., York, M., & Francis, D. (2017). Examining a motivational treatment and its impact on adolescents’ reading comprehension and fluency. The Journal of Educational Research, 110, 98-109.
Hoops, L., Yu, S., Backscheider Burridge, A., & Wolters, C. (2015). Impact of a student success course on undergraduate academic outcomes. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 45, 123-146.
Wolters, C., & Hoops, L. (2015). Self-regulated learning interventions for motivationally-disengaged college students. In T. Cleary (Ed.), Self-regulated learning interventions with at-risk youth: Enhancing adaptability, performance, and well-being (pp. 67-88). Washington, DC: APA Books.
Xie, K., Hensley, L., Trinko, L., & Sun, Z. (2015, April). Designing for improved motivation as an outcome in a postsecondary online course. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Morgan, L., Yu, S., Burridge, A., & Wolters, C. (2014, April). The effects of self-regulated learning course on college students’ academic outcomes. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning
Hensley, L. (2023). Using the generation effect to enhance college learning strategies. Journal of College Literacy and Learning.
Nguyen, H., Janikowski, L., Wolters, C., Kim, M., Hensley, L., & von Spiegel, J. (2023, April). Investigating motivation, self-regulatory strategy use, and engagement of transfer students at a large public university. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Iaconelli, R., & Wolters, C. (2022, April). Renewing interest in effort: Exploring connections between academic effort beliefs and self-regulation strategy use. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Patall, E., Wolters, C., & Urdan, T. (2022, April). Is motivation largely conscious and intentional or nonconscious and automatic. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Brady, A., Kim, Y., & Cutshall, J. (2021). The what, why, and how of distractions from a self-regulated learning perspective. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 51(2), 153-172.
Hensley, L. (2021, June). Time management for busy learning center professionals. Presentation for the Ohio College Learning Center Association Annual Conference, virtual conference.
Hensley, L., Iaconelli, R., & Wolters, C. (2021, April). Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as challenges to undergraduates’ self-regulated learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, virtual meeting.
Won, S., Hensley, L., & Wolters, C. (2021). Sense of belonging and academic help-seeking as self-regulated learning. Journal of Experimental Education, 89(1), 112-124.
Kim, Y., Brady, A., & Wolters, C. (2020). College students’ regulation of cognition, motivation, behavior, and context: Distinct or overlapping processes? Learning and Individual Differences.
Kim, Y., & Yu, S. (2020, February). To study or not to study: Reciprocal relationships between motivational interference and motivational regulation. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Hawaii Educational Research Association. Honolulu, HI.
Wolters, C. & Brady, A. (2020). College students’ time management: A self-regulated learning perspective. Educational Psychology Review.
Hensley, L., & Cutshall, J. (2018). Procrastinating in college: Students’ readiness and resistance to change. Journal of College Student Development, 59, 498-504.
Hensley, L., Wolters, C., Won, S., & Brady, A. (2018). Academic probation, time management, and time use in a college success course. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 48, 105-123.
Kim, Y., Yu, S. L., Koenka, A. C., Lee, H. W., & Heckler, A. F. (2018, April). Can high self-efficacy and value buffer cost? Exploring interactive relationships and their consequences for engagement. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Lee, H., Yu, S. L., Koenka, A. C., Kim, Y., & Heckler, A. F. (2018, August). Parental expectations and self-regulated learning: Roles of identity foreclosure and self-efficacy. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Rowe, S., & Hensley, L. (2018). A peer-to-peer model of academic coaching. In L. Sanders, D. Reedy, & M. Frizell (Eds.), Learning centers in the 21st Century: A modern guide for learning assistance professionals in higher education (pp. 469-474. Bentonville, AR (pp. 489-493): Iona Press.
Anderman, E. M., Koenka, A. C., & Won, S. (2017, April). Changes in STEM motivation during high school for domestically and internationally adopted adolescents. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Brady, A. (2017, April). Study smart, not hard: The importance of active learning in college. Presentation for the Ohio LSAMP Alliance: Conference 2017, Cincinnati, OH.
Brady, A. C., Kim, Y., Cutshall, J. (2017, April). College students’ distractions and strategies from a self-regulated learning perspective: A qualitative analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Kim, Y., Shin, J., & Yu, S. L. (2017, April). The effects of self-regulation and motivational context on students’ perception of temptation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Antonio, TX.
Won, S., & Wolters C. A. (2017, April). Achievement goals and self-regulated learning: A multiple goals perspective using latent profile analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Wolters, C., Won, S., & Hussain, M. (2017). Examining the relations of time management and procrastination within a model of self-regulated learning. Metacognition and Learning.
Xie, K., Hensley, L., Law, V., & Sun, Z.(2017). Self-regulation as a function of perceived leadership and cohesion in small-group online collaborative learning. British Journal of Educational Technology.
Hensley, L. (2016, April). Better under pressure? A phenomenology of college students’ active procrastination. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Hensley, L. (2016). The draws and drawbacks of college students’ active procrastination. Journal of College Student Development, 57, 465-471.
Hensley, L., Cutshall, J., Law, V., Xie, K., & Lu, L. (2016, June). A qualitative exploration of self- and socially shared regulation in online collaborative learning. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Singapore.
Hensley, L., Wolters, C., & Won, S. (2016, April). Understanding students’ time management within the context of a college-success course. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Kim, Y., & Shin, J. (2016, February). Examining self-regulation under motivational conflict. Paper presented at The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology Student Research Forum, Columbus, Ohio.
Wolters, C., Brady, A., & Won, S. (2016, May). Motivational regulation: Theoretical and empirical links with college students’ self-efficacy and achievement goals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Psychological Sciences, Chicago, IL.
Wolters, C., Won, S., & Hensley, L. (2016, August). Dispositional and motivational antecedents of college students’ use of self-regulation strategies. Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the International Conference on Motivation, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Wolters, C., Won, S., Hensley, L., & Brady, A. (2016, April). Grit and growth mindset as predictors of college students’ utility value, self-efficacy, and achievement goals. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Hensley, L. (2015, April). How adaptive is active procrastination? Differential relations to beliefs and behaviors in college anatomy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Hensley, L., Shaulskiy, S., Zircher, A., & Sanders, M. (2015). Overcoming barriers to engaging in college academics. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 52, 176-189.
Reeve, J., Lee, W., & Won, S. (2015). Interest as emotion, as affect, and as schema. In K. A. Renninger, M. Nieswandt, & S. E. Hidi (Eds.), Interest in K-16 mathematics and science learning and related activities. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.
Wolters, C., & Hussain, M. (2015). Investigating grit and its relations to college students’ self-regulated learning and academic achievement. Metacognition and Learning, 10, 293-311.
Won, S., Kim, S., & Bong, M. (2015, April). Effects of competition and norm-referenced feedback on self-control. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Hensley, L. (2014). Reconsidering active procrastination: Relations to motivation and achievement in college anatomy. Learning and Individual Differences, 36, 157-164.
Gray, D., Hensley, L., & Chang, Y. (2014). Strategies STEM-focused high school students use to “stand out” and “fit in”: A thematic analysis. Presentation for the Advances in Educational Psychology Conference sponsored by Division 15 of the American Psychological Association, Fairfax: VA.
Lee, W., Back, S., Won, S., Reeve, J., Kim, S., & Bong, M. (2014, April). Academic self-regulation as a motivational mediator to explain secondary students’ achievement. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia.
Shin, J., Yeon, E. M., & Kim, Y. (2014, February). Differences between students with intrinsic goals and extrinsic goals. Roundtable session presented at the 3rd Annual International Conference on Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology, Singapore.
Xie, K., Hensley, L., Law, V., & Sun, Z. (2014, April). The effect of perceived leadership on small group online collaborative learning through asynchronous online discussions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Xie, K., Law, V., Hensley, L., & Sun, Z. (2014, June). Emergent team leadership in small-group collaborative learning. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Boulder, CO.
Hensley, L., & Burgoon, J. (2013, April). Active and passive procrastination: Overall tendencies or domain-specific behaviors? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Hensley, L., Levitt, S., Sanders, M., & Zircher, A. (2013, April). Perceived barriers to college success: The cost of engaging in academics. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Hussain, M., Young, J., & Wolters, C. (2013, April). Gender and academic level differences in academic time management, procrastination, motivation, and self-regulated learning. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Wolters, C., Hussain, M., & Young, J. (2013, April). Connecting college students’ self-regulated learning, time management, and procrastination. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Hensley, L., Levitt, S., Kirkpatrick, K., & Tuckman. B. (2012, August). Metacognitive self-regulation in college: Revisiting fear of failure and procrastination. Paper presented at the APA National Convention, Orlando, FL.
Taylor, D., Wolters, C., Fan, W., & Yu, S. (2012, April). Examining the role of motivation in the relationship between stereotype threat and test performance. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC, CAN.
Teaching for Belonging and Engagement
Hensley, L., Janikowski, L., Nguyen, H., & von Spiegel, J. (2023, January). The insider’s guide: Making Columbus home for campus change students. Presentation for the Focusing on the First Year Annual Conference, The Ohio State University.
Brady, A., Kim, Y. E., & von Spiegel, J. (2022). Learning in the face of digital distractions: Empowering students to practice self-regulated learning. In Flanigan, A. E., & Kim, J. H. (Eds.), Digital distractions in the college classroom. IGI Global.
Hensley, L., Kim, Y. E., Sayers, R., & Brady, A. (2022). Preventing “I never learned how to study”: How teachers can develop students’ effective learning strategies. In J. S. Vogler & M. M. Buehl (Eds.), Teaching learning for effective instruction. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Hensley, L., Brady, A., Kim, Y. E., & Sayers, R. (2021). Understanding the practical, contextual, and malleable nature of motivation—and why it matters. In D. Meyer & A. Emery (Eds.), Teaching motivation for student engagement. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Hensley, L., Iaconelli, R., & Wolters, C. (2021, February). Supporting academic engagement when college is online and socially distanced. Presentation for the National College Learning Center Association annual conference, virtual meeting.
Hensley, L., Iaconelli, R., & Wolters, C. (2021). “This weird time we’re in”: How a sudden change to remote education impacted college students’ self-regulated learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education.
Hensley, L., Iaconelli, R., & Wolters, C. (2021). Supporting college students in times of emergency remote learning—and beyond. Newsletter of the Studying and Self-Regulated Learning Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association.
Hensley, L., Sayers, R., Brady, A., & Cutshall, J. (2021). Supporting autonomy, competence, and relatedness in a learning-to-learn course: College students’ insights into effective instruction. Teaching of Psychology, 48(3), 236-247.
Sayers, R., von Spiegel, J., & Hensley, L. (2021). Instructor caring and support in online and face-to-face settings. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 32(4), 117-145.
von Spiegel, J. (2021). Helping students ask for help: A review of academic help-seeking and recommendations for student affairs professionals. Developments.
Kim, Y., Yu, S., Wolters, C., & O’Connell, A. (2020, April). Academic, social, and well-being goals in the classroom: Interplay between multiple goals and self-regulatory processes. Paper accepted to the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, California. (Conference canceled due to COVID 19)
Perry*, A., Allen, E., Yu, S., Kim, Y., & Lee, H. W. (2020, April). Help-seeking and help-giving in post-secondary physics: The roles of course context and gender. Paper accepted to the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Fransisco, CA. (Conference canceled due to Covid-19)
*2020 Studying and Self-Regulated Learning SIG Graduate Student Research Award
Sayers, R., von Spiegel, J., & Hensley. L. (2020, April). “She was always willing to help”: Instructor caring and support in online and face-to-face settings. Paper accepted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (Conference canceled due to COVID-19)
Hensley, L. (2019, April). Discussant for paper session titled Enhancing academic outcomes, presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Hensley, L., Sayers, R., Brady, A., & Cutshall, J. (2019, April). Supporting college student autonomy, competence, and relatedness: Insights from evaluating a learning-to-learn course. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Hensley, L., Sayers, R., Brady, A., & Cutshall, J. (2019, October). Teaching strategies that support learning and growth in college-success courses. Workshop presented at the National College Learning Center Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.
Nagpal, M., Lin, T., Newell, G., Ha, S., & VanDerHeide, J. (2019, August). Instructional patterns for the teaching and learning of argumentative writing in high school. Poster presented at the APA Convention, Chicago, IL.
Sayers, R., & Hensley, L. (2019, May). Teaching with mental well-being in mind. Presentation for the Annual Conference on Excellence in Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Hensley, L. (2018, October). I can, and it matters: The expectancy-value approach to motivation. Workshop presented at the National College Learning Center Association Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, NY.
Hensley, L. (2018). Teaching online learning strategies and skills to promote college success. In L. Sanders, D. Reedy, & M. Frizell (Eds.), Learning centers in the 21st Century: A modern guide for learning assistance professionals in higher education (pp. 469-474). Bentonville, AR: Iona Press.
Hensley, L., Rohdieck, S., & Williams, J. (2018, January). Course design for student self-efficacy and resilience. Community Engagement Conference: Partnering to Advance Health and Wellness, Columbus, OH.
Won, S., Hensley, L., & Wolters, C. (2018, August). Belonging, self-efficacy, and utility value as predictors of college students’ academic help-seeking. Poster presented at the APA National Convention (Division 15), San Francisco, CA.
Yu, S. L., Kim, Y., Pearson, S., Stoltzfus, M., & Clark, T. (2018, August). Self-regulated learning in college chemistry: Roles of belonging and instructional context. Paper presented at the Gender and STEM Network Conference, Eugene, OR.
Brady, A. (2017, March). Prompting self-regulated learning in the classroom. Presentation for the 2017 Buckeye Teaching Showcase, Columbus, OH.
Hensley, L. (2017). How the college environment shapes learning opportunities for students with disabilities. Currents in Teaching and Learning, 9, 20-28.
Hensley, L., & Brady A. (2017, February). “I never had to study in high school”: Supporting students’ academic transitions to college. Presentation for the Focusing on the First Year Annual Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Hoops, L., Green, M., Baker, A., & Hensley, L. (2017, April). Exploring college students’ experiences of success and sense of belonging across contexts: A phenomenological study. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Koenka, A. C., Yu, S. L., Kim, Y., Lafranconi, H., & Heckler, A. F. (2017, April). What predicts success in undergraduate physics? The importance of belonging and the complexity of cost. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. San Antonio, TX.
Lin T. -J., Chen, J., Ha, S. Y., Kuznetcova, I., Paul, N., Won, S., & Anderman, E. M. (2017, April). The influence of collaborative small-group discussion on social self-efficacy and class relationships. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Won, S., Lee, S. Y., & Bong, M. (2017). Social persuasion by teachers as a source of student self-efficacy: The moderating role of perceived teacher credibility. Psychology in the Schools.
Won, S., Wolters, C., & Mueller, S. (2017). Sense of belonging and self-regulated learning: Testing achievement goals as mediators. Journal of Experimental Education.
Won, S.,* Yu, S. L., Green, M., & Henkaline, K. (2017, April). Relations of parental autonomy support and control with students’ academic time management and procrastination. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
*2017 Studying and Self-Regulated Learning SIG Graduate Student Research Award
Hensley, L., & Brady, A. (2016). Smoothing the transition to college with self-regulated learning skills. Presentation for the Battelle Educators Connect for Success Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Hoops, L., & Rowe, S., & Hensley, L. (2015). Got motivation? Strategies for empowering first-year students in academics. Presentation for the Focusing on the First Year Annual Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Corkin, D., Yu, S., Wolters, C., & Wiesner, M. (2014). The role of college classroom climate on academic procrastination. Learning and Individual Differences, 32, 294-303.
Leach, N., Hensley, L., & Fowler, T. (2014, April). Parental support and hindrance of student educational agency. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Keller, M., Frenzel, A., Goetz, T., Pekrun, R., & Hensley, L. (2014). Exploring teacher emotions: A literature review and experience sampling study. In P. W. Richardson, S. Karabenick, & H. M. G. Watt (Eds.), Teacher motivation: Theory and practice (pp. 69-82). New York: Routledge.
Keller, M., Goetz, T., Becker, E., Morger, V., & Hensley, L. (2014). Feeling and showing: A new conceptualization of dispositional teacher enthusiasm and its relation to students’ interest. Learning and Instruction, 33, 29–38.
Park, S., Shin, J., Lee, S., Kim, Y., & Lee, S. (2014). Effects of perceived social supports on goal pursuit and life satisfaction: Focusing on differences between engineering future-experts and experts. Korean Journal of Psychological and Social Issues, 28, 711-733.
Xie, K., Hensley, L., Griffy, H., & Trinko, L. (2014). Creating a motivating and engaging online learning module. Presentation for Innovate: eLearning in Action Conference, Columbus, OH.
Corkin, D., Yu, S., Wolters, C., & Wiesner, M. (2013, April). The influence of motivational beliefs and classroom climate dimensions on academic procrastination in college mathematics courses. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Hensley, L. (2013). To cheat or not to cheat: A review with implications for practice. The Community College Enterprise, 19(2), 22-34.
Hensley, L., Kirkpatrick, K., & Burgoon, J. (2013). Relation of gender, course enrollment, and grades to distinct forms of academic dishonesty. Teaching in Higher Education, 18, 895-907.
Hensley, L., & Rowe, S. (2013). Motivational underpinnings of and instructional responses to procrastination.Presentation for the Ohio Educational Technology Conference (eTech Ohio), Columbus, OH.
Thomas, J., Wolters, C., Horn, C., & Kennedy, H. (2013). Examining relevant influences on the persistence of African-American college students at a diverse urban university. Journal of College Student Retention, 15, 551-573.
Williams, J., Rohdieck, S., & Hensley, L. (2013). Strategies for supporting the academic success of first-year students.Presentation for the Focusing on the First Year Annual Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Hensley, L. (2012). Student-environment interaction: Inhibiting or enhancing learning or college students with disabilities? Poster presented at the 12th Annual Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion & Disability Conference, Columbus, OH.
Lee, S., Won, S., Kim, S., & Bong, M. (2012, April). Characteristics of teachers as sources of academic self‐efficacy information. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.
Hensley, L. (2011). eLearning to learn: The pedagogical role of ePortfolios in an online learning strategies and skills course. Presentation for the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Hensley, L. (2011). Teaching online learning strategies and skills using the strategies-for-achievement approach. Presentation for the Ohio Educational Technology Conference (eTech Ohio), Columbus, OH.
Hensley, L., & Oaks, D. (2011). The strategies-for-achievement model and the engaged learner: Instruction in technology-enhanced college success courses. Presentation for Innovate: eLearning in Action Conference, Columbus, OH.
Improving Educational Research and Assessment
Masonheimer, A., Wolters, C., D’Agostino, J., & Anderman, E. (2023, April). Measuring time management from a self-regulated learning framework: Analysis of the Time Management Regulation scale. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Iaconelli, R., & Wolters, C. (2022, April). The development of the Academic Efforts Belief scale. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, virtual session.
Hensley, L. (2020). Assessing academic strategies in college learning centers: Considerations for scholarly practitioners (PDF) . The Learning Assistance Review, 25(1), 81-101.
Iaconelli, R., Brady, A., & Wolters, C. (2020, April). Validating the Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning scale for use with college students. Poster accepted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (Conference canceled due to Covid-19)
Iaconelli, R., & Wolters, C. (2020). Insufficient effort responding in surveys assessing self-regulated learning: Nuisance or fatal flaw? Frontline Learning Research, 8(3), 104-125.
Iaconelli, R. & Wolters, C. (2019, August). Evaluating an assessment of college students’ time management: A brief report. Poster presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
Kim, Y.*, Brady, A. C., & Wolters, C. (2019, April). An evaluation of the distinction between the four areas of self-regulated learning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Toronto, Canada.
*2019 Studying and Self-Regulated Learning SIG Graduate Student Research Award
Kim, Y., Brady, A. C., & Wolters, C. (2018). Development and validation of brief scale for motivational regulation. Learning and Individual Differences, 67, 259-265.
Wolters, C., & Won, S. (2017). Validity and the use of self-report questionnaires to assess self-regulated learning. In D. Schunk and J. Greene (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance (2nd ed., pp. 307-322). New York: Routledge.
Benzon, M., & Wolters, C. (2016, April). Measurement of teacher beliefs about student motivation. Presentation for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Wolters, C., & Hensley, L. (2015). Balancing contributions of practice and research to college students’ self-regulated learning. Newsletter of the Studying and Self-Regulated Learning Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association.
Hensley, L., Chang, Y., Jiang, C., & Omolesky, C. (2014). Supporting international students’ academic needs: How assessment can inform programs and practice. Presentation for the Student Affairs Assessment and Research Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Hensley, L., Rowe, S., Levitt, S., & Johnson, B. (2013). Conceptualizing and managing assessment in academic support services. Presentation for Student Affairs Assessment and Research Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Wolters, C., & Benzon, M. (2013). Assessing and predicting college students’ use of strategies for the self-regulation of motivation. Journal of Experimental Education, 81, 199-221.