5 tips to Avoid the Summer Slide
The summer slide is the idea that students tend to forget information over the summer and return to school at a lower academic skill level than they left. The good news is that the summer slide is completely preventable! Here are some helpful tips from the DLC coaches to stay ahead during the summer.
1. Take a Virtual or Real Life Field Trip
Learn a new fact every day by reading about a different place or country! Explore the hidden gems where you are living this summer. You can also visit museums and art galleries to make learning fun.
2. Math Problem or Word of the Day
Keep up with your math and language skills by doing 1-2 practice problems a day (or 1-2 hard problems a week) or having a new word of the day. Reviewing these skills will help reduce the need for heavy review at the beginning of the next school year and will keep your mind sharp. Do challenges with your friends to see who can use a new vocabulary word in conversation!
3. Review your Notes
Set up a time each day or week to review last semester’s notes. It can be as simple at 15-30 minutes of review. You can create study guides or flashcards or rewrite your notes to make them beautiful. Check out this DLC video about study skills to make the most of your review time!
4. Read for Fun
Reading for your own enjoyment can keep your comprehension and vocabulary skills sharp and renew your motivation for learning. You can read something related to your major, like biographies of superstars in the field, or you can read something completely unrelated to your academics – it’s up to you!
5. Be Cool at Summer School
Continue to learn by taking classes that align with your interests over the summer. Use your brain in a different way by learning a new skill or craft. Or sharpen your skills in your major by participating in workshops or webinars. Think outside the box and explore classes or workshops at a local rec center or store.