The Dennis Learning Center 5-Day Study Plan helps students organize how they will study for their exams. Download the 5-Day Study Plan template and follow the steps below! If you want help schedule with an undergraduate or graduate/professional academic coach!

5-Day Study Plan Step by Step Instruction
Look over this example 5-Day Study Plan to get an idea of the structure. You can download a blank version below under step 3.
- Gather Information
- In-person/virtual
- Paper/online
- Chapters covered
- Type of Exam
- Multiple choice, essay, show work
- Open/closed note
- Conceptual, application, memorization, analysis
- Download the 5-Day Study Plan template
- Fill out the columns from left to right and top to bottom
- Write the date under “Day #” counting backwards from the day of your exam (ex. Day 5 is the day before the exam)
- Divide the content covered into 4 different sections and write the chapter/lecture under “Prepare”
- Under “Review”, write each chapter that has been previously covered (ex. For Day 3 I write the Chapters I prepared on Day 2 and 2, so Ch 1 and 2)
- Estimate the amount of time it will take you to create and review your study tool (Overestimate instead of underestimate)
- Choose a Preparation/Review strategy based on the type of content and exam
- Schedule an appointment with an academic coach for more help!
- Check out the chart below for some examples
- On the last day of studying, do a self test and review any missed questions
Prepare (with notes, lectures, book, etc) | Review (from memory) |
Study Sheet | Recite Study Sheet |
Concept Map | Rewrite Concept Map |
Outline | Rewrite/Recite Outline |
Flash Cards | Review Flash Cards |
Diagram/Drawing | Relabel/Redraw |